What does it mean to be witched? How does one begin the process of being witched? We gotta be honest here, we thought of this title after we had already recorded the episode and also, this is more of a general Witch Fan-Cast anyway.
A big round of applause is due for Temme Scott for her incredible performance of her song A Lot to Lose. You can check out the remainder of her debut album Trust You, Trust You by using this link! temmescott.com
Thanks again to Taylor for joining us this week from all the way over at Are We Friends. Check them out on Instagram/Twitter @_arewefriends or on their website are-we-friends.com
Head to homesteadhemp1787.comm and use code “DOWNTIME” at checkout for 20% off your order!!! Get them CBD goodies!
We failed to mention it in this episode for the first time in a long time, but we are still committed to use our voices to support and uplift the Black Lives Matter movement so, here are some links and resources you can use to continue to support BIPOC
www.ally.wiki OR tinyurl.com/blmforever
Intro/Outro Music: Ethan Gustavson somepointsound.com
Cover Art: Natalie Spitzel nataliespitzel.com
Produced by: Mike Turnwall mike.turnwall.com